O'zapft is!

O’zapft is – although not in Munich, but in Yokohama! Nowadays there’s an Oktoberfest in most major cites around the world and, of course, Japanese ones are no exception. I’ve never been to the original one, but this copy managed to deliver some key elements to actually feel tad bit Bavarian-ish. Not least because we had a tour guide from Munich with us who provided us with some authentic Oktoberfest lore.

Funny enough, visiting the Yokohama Oktoberfest hit somewhat close to home. While I would usually feel pretty weirded out seeing recordings from the ‘Wiesn’ in the past, today felt surprisingly relatable. Might be a tiny bit of homesickness after having been here for three months, even though I could never imagine going back to Germany already. After all, there’s still so much to see around here! Hence, next weekend’s itinerary is all Japanese again, as we’re headed for Kyoto and Nara.